YOU are the only one who will follow your exact path through this life. Others may join you along the way for awhile, but ultimately you are the one who decides what directions your path take. Your free to choose, shall I take the safe and easy path and follow in others footsteps. Or shall I take the longer harder path that has much to teach me.
Ask 10 different Witches the same question and your likely to get as many different answers. Now that does not mean that some or several of those answers are wrong, it's just whats right for that person. You are your first and foremost guide in your path. Trust your instinct and make choices based on what is RIGHT for YOU. Sure you may ask the God/Goddess or other people for guidance. But it is up to you how much merit you put into that guidance. As I've mentioned in previous posts what works for some may not work for you. This is why you MUST trust yourself to determine what sing true to you.
OK so now I'm going to explain part of my own belief system. You are always free to accept or reject what "Sings true to you."
I've had my beliefs all my life, and on my path I have picked up texts from many different religions From the Bible, to the Qua-ran, to Buddhists texts etc..... I have found parallels in some of them. I have found things I like in all of them, and things I don't like in ALL of them. It is my firm belief that there are NO BAD religions.
We have to realize there is no religious text on the planet that is written by the hand of the god/goddess. Every religious that has been written by the hand (Or printing press or computer) of a person and as such MAY have been the subject of direct or indirect censorship/misinterpretation. Now don't get me wrong I'm saying there is no truth to these texts, I'm saying that you must use your intuition when reading ALL religious texts to determine what feels RIGHT for you. Sometimes texts have been misinterpreted, misunderstood, and sometimes they have even been altered for political and or other agendas. Just as you study to build your own path, use you blinders to see the REAL truth in the work.
One thing I have found that is Universal in ALL religious beliefs is. God/Goddess created the universe, the world and all life upon it. So in essence we are all children of God/Goddess.
To paraphrase Shakespeare a bit here. Is a God by any other name any less Divine? No i don't think so.
I don't think God cares if you worship them as Jehovah or Allah, or Buddha. God/Goddess LOVES you and only cares that you Love and trust them back.
I Can't believe that God/Goddess wants anyone of us to Harm or disparage each other based on ANY of our differences. So Any texts I find filled with Bigotry, be it Racial, religious, sexuality, gender or politically based gets thrown right out.
Well thanks for reading my lil rant here.... hopefully it helps you to find your true path
Love and Light as always
Blessed be
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