Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Love Spell @>---}----

OK here is a love spell that worked for me.
Ground and center yourself.
Spend 5 min meditating on true Love
Then go to a social networking site (For me it was FB)
and Post a Poem that you write searching for true love
I'm posting mine here to give you some ideas, but it is important that you write your OWN so that you put as much of your energy into it.


The Wind softly whispers, through the cool fall air.....
Tell me that my true love is out there, somewhere....
Where to look it does not say....
Just that love is on it's way....
Trust in love, It'll happen in time....
I just can't wait, 'til your heart reaches mine.

While you write your poem think about the qualities that you desire in your soul mate. Do not think about any specific person, this is to attract your match not someone specific that you desire. Which would be going against free will and can have dire consequences.

Once you post your poem, go on about your life and forget about. Dwelling on it will draw energy away from it and make it take longer, or backfire completely.

For me this worked Within 9 days.... I was drawn to the profile of another person and I posted a comment to her and, things just went GREAT from there. We have so much in common and are constantly keeping each other smiling and laughing.

Good luck and great romances

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Why do Plants have Magickal properties

Plants are Magickal because they grow using ALL 5 of the magickal elements.

Earth: Plants roots grow down into the Earth to draw nutrients from it.

Air: Plants draw Carbon dioxide from the air and utilize it in it's photosynthesis process

Fire: Plants use the chlorophyll in it's leaves to harness the energy from the Sun's fire as a catalyst in the photosynthesis process

Water: Plants draw water in through it's roots and leaves. It turns water, CO2 and Sunlight into a sugar rich sap/ nectar whic is the plants food

Spirit: As with every other living being on the planet, plants are imbued with the spirit of the divinity within it.